“Winds of Change” Prophetic Word, October 2020

On the Central Coast this time each year, we experience strong “offshore winds” (from the land towards the sea) that blow all through the night and into the next day. These winds are so strong that, at times, I can physically see our windows bending and bowing from the pressure. All night long, the howling wind whistles through our little corridor towards the ocean, causing beautiful white sprays of water to blow off the top of each wave as it begins to crash, sending a glittering rainbow of droplets into the ocean.

Early in the morning, October 15, 2020, after such a night of howling winds, I woke up with the words Winds of Change literally ringing in my ears. I asked the Lord, “What is this?”

When Jenny woke up, she immediately said to me, “I just woke up and heard the Holy Spirit say these words, ‘Winds of Change.'”

I spent time in prayer and meditation that day and the next few days afterwards. During that time, God gave me the following word after praying in tongues and interpreting. I felt this is an appropriate time to share this with you, friend, as a “last days” partner and fellow soldier in the faith! Let this be a word that stirs each of us up and fans into flame our passion for the Lord and for the lost!

Here’s the summary of what I believe God is saying to the Church in this hour:

I believe God is exhorting, encouraging, and equipping His Church today to walk in unity and to walk in our authority.

As you read the following words, keep those two points in mind. God is calling for his Church to step into a greater level of unity and spiritual authority than we have ever known before! He has given us revelation through the Bible and His prophets; and has provided all the power necessary for us to walk in this charge. He wouldn’t ask us to do something that we cannot do!

He is the one equipping and building His House, so we know we are well able to fulfill His Word. (Hebrews 3:4-6)

I pray you are encouraged, empowered, and set on fire to fulfill your part of the Heavenly calling of God on your life, in your family, your church, your community, and in your nation.

“Winds of Change” 10/15/2020

“Winds of Change” are upon us. That which has been spoken of since the very beginning is now beginning to come to pass. We are in the early stages of it so we must be vigilant and ready – vigilant in our walk with God and our actions towards others. The Lord is at hand. Pray for the leaders of the governments of the earth, for the time of the end is nearly here. (See 2 Timothy 3 for a description of the last of the last days)

Don’t miss what God is doing through skepticism and unbelief – “Do not be afraid, only believe,” (Mark 5:36) and that which you have begun to see in faith, [though it may be] apparently dead, will rise to a fresh and glorious life before your eyes.

Yes, children, believe on the name of the Son of Man and you shall be saved. God is able to put down all unrighteousness and He will do so swiftly and justly.

Believe and receive, for the time is at hand.

Glorify the Name of the Lord of hosts, you His saints! Lift up the Name of the Lord Most High! For His temple is unblemished and His bride is washed and clean, without spot or wrinkle, therefore be strong and do not yield to the cunning of the darkness of deceit. For the devil knows his time is up and is after the souls of men. (See 2 Peter 3:10-14, Ephesians 5:27)

Be sure to know your place, and to walk in your authority, and the glory of the Lord will shine about you and your paths will be light, straight, and smooth.


“‘Winds of Change’ are upon us, for the time to turn back is now or never. But My people will not draw back; no, My armies are faithful,” says the Lord.

“But the days of ignorance are over. My people must decide to walk in the authority I have delegated to them, walking humbly and powerfully, staving off the attacks and affronts of the powers of darkness for the time is now spent, and My Church has not yet fully realized My power in them; those things which I purposed them to fully develop and walk in over the years. Let everyone take up their full armor and act. (See Micah 6:8, Ephesians 2:6, 3:10)

“Let My own people, who I call by name, know, and act in their power – yes, in this day and in this hour. For My body is My force and representation on the earth today; there is none other who can fulfill all My will on the earth as it pertains to My plan for the Church in this age.

“These ‘Winds of Change’ will bring a battle so fierce, none but those who are of childlike faith in Me will be able to stand, that is, by My Spirit and by following My voice,” says the Lord, “shall the faithful ones prevail as the two witnesses to My Name shall prevail. (See Revelation 12:11)

“Yes, the time of inaction is over. The time of deliberation is complete. It is now time to put into practice those things which you have both seen and heard from Me. My Church must bind the spirits of wickedness on the earth and proclaim the glory of the Lord in prayer and in their daily lives.

“These winds of change are ushering in a season that is so different than anything you have faced; My Word must be the primary voice and standard in your life. Not just a few Scriptures, but the prophetic implications of the age are being fulfilled even now; and the Church, My Church, must be ready and equipped to face what lies ahead.

“Oh, but you are equipped. You are ready. Be glad and be faithful to be a doer of My Word – pray in your authority, yes, take your place at My right hand. Rule and reign in Me as I infuse your life with fresh revelation and anointing for every situation you face.

“For I have given you knowledge of the truth that is according to godliness, so let that upon which you stand be only – and nothing else – My Holy Word. (See 1 Timothy 6:3 and 2 Peter 1:3)

“Be strong, be faithful, and be watchful; for the Word that has gone out of My mouth will surely come to pass. (See Isaiah 55:11)

“Yea, I have anointed you and called you to this priestly ministry–even to take up your seat on high and to pray.

“Yes, pray! Be alert! And be joyful and glad, for the time is at hand.”

– Interpretation of tongues, October 2020, Justin Self

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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