Give Your Life to Jesus!

…the word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:8-9 NKJV

Receive the Free Gift of Salvation!

When you allow Jesus Christ to come into your life, bringing His fresh wind of life and goodness, you are immediately set completely free from the chains of sin and death! If you have never received Jesus as your personal Savior, it is time to experience this new life for yourself. The first step to freedom is simple. Just pray this prayer from your heart:

Pray this prayer from your heart!

Lord, I decide to follow Your plan for my life right now. I repent and turn away from my sin and rebellion against You, and offer my life completely to You. I accept the gift of salvation that Jesus bought for me on the Cross! I can never thank you enough for what You did on the Cross for me, for You did what no one else could do for me. There is nothing I could ever do in my own strength to earn Your favor or salvation from sin. I need a Savior. I need Jesus!

I ask you to wash me clean with Your precious blood and take away all my sin. Make me whole and clean! I thank you with all my heart for saving me!

Thank you for the whole package of salvation that You purchased for me on the Cross, Lord. I humbly accept everything You did for me–you took my sickness and diseases upon Yourself, You took my sorrows and pains, You took poverty, shame, depression, and everything that comes as a result of sin upon Yourself so that I no longer have to live in the constant awareness of sin. I am no longer a slave to sin! I am a child of God!

Because of the purifying work of Jesus’ Blood, Satan, you have no more hold on me! I have officially, as of this moment, been removed from the kingdom of darkness and I have been translated into the kingdom of God through Jesus! (Colossians 1:13)

Father God, you have made me a brand new creation in Christ, and I choose this day to live out of my new identity in Christ for I am born-again! (2 Corinthians 5:17, John 3:3)

My spirit is brand new, clean, and perfected for all eternity by what You did on the Cross! Thank you Jesus!

Holy Spirit, come into me now! Fill me all the way up with your power and breathe your life into me! Thank you for empowering me to live out my days as a faithful steward of what God has done in me.

Because of You, Jesus, I am now forgiven! I am now washed clean from sin by Your Blood and I have been accepted into the family of God! Thank you Lord! I am saved, and I will live out the rest of my life serving you faithfully and knowing you deeply!

You are now completely righteous and holy in God’s eyes!

If you prayed that prayer and accepted Jesus for the first time, I am celebrating your new life with you! Please tell someone about what the Lord has done in you. Talk to a pastor or a Christian friend in your community, or send us an email. We would love to rejoice with you!

You have just experienced the greatest miracle possible–your spirit has been completely born again by the power of God! You have been redeemed and will spend eternity with Jesus!