Taking the Gospel to Jordan | Aaron Patton

My good friend Aaron has just returned from a powerful trip to the Middle East in a crazy time! He literally heard God speak to him to “Go to Jordan…” and he did it! How sensitive we must be to the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit if we are to step out in faith and experience all the adventures He has for us.

I enjoyed recording this podcast with Aaron, even though we encountered MANY technical difficulties and setbacks to getting this podcast published. Nobody said this would be easy! But my passion to put regular, everyday people in front of the microphone still blazes powerfully in my heart. Aaron is just a regular guy who is turned on to the Lord Jesus. Aaron and his wife, Katie, have a beautiful little boy, Elijah, and they have a calling and a heart for international missions–specifically, to go to the places and bring the Name of Jesus to those who may have never heard the Gospel of Jesus.

In this podcast, Aaron shares several experiences with Muslims, a theme that will be continued in the next podcast… where Aaron interviews ME about my recent trip to Kenya, Africa–where I encountered Muslims every day. God has such a heart for these beautiful people!

May the Holy Spirit breathe deeply on these episodes as you listen and receive revelation and insight from the Word of God! We hope this podcast widens your horizons and gives you intimate understanding of the wonderful people of Jordan and what God is doing on that side of the world.

Photo by Leon Wu on Unsplash

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