Sowing into Open Doors

open doors

Going through crisis has a way of bringing out the worst in you, doesn’t it? I’ve noticed that my family and I have exhibited less-than-stellar attitudes towards each other as a result of the added pressure due to the change-up caused by this virus situation. Our schedules are messed up. Our son is home and making working from home nearly impossible (those of you home with multiple kids, I can only imagine!). The economy is jacked up. The government is doing their best, but things are still a little chaotic. Instead of reacting, however, powerful people respond appropriately. What is an appropriate response to this season of uncertainty for God’s people? Sowing into open doors.

Perspective: find the open doors

Even in the midst of worldwide crisis, Jesus views this as an amazing opportunity. How do I know? Notice what God said to His people throughout the Old Testament during times of crisis. God often spoke to His people in redemptive language, casting vision of the life and peace that He had for them. He gave them clear vision of His character and intentions through the prophets that revealed His redemptive, optimistic nature. God wants to show His people that there are open doors, if we will look for them and let Him guide us into them.

There are open doors for Christians to minister the love of God to a world in panic. We have opportunity to show kindness to our communities. This is an amazing time! I believe that we have been given a unique opportunity to love others in unprecedented ways. It’s imperative, therefore, that we adopt the mindset of the Spirit regarding every event that happens in our world. We have been given the mind of Christ for a reason. Let’s access it!

Furthermore, there are open doors that lead to our own development. This is an opportunity to self-evaluate and let the Holy Spirit apply life-changing healing to our hearts. Like when fasting (which is a crisis to the physical body), the fleshly, carnal issues buried deep inside tend to rise to the surface in the midst of external pressure. When these carnal issues rise up, they should elicit a positive response that ends up in Holy Spirit surgery on our inner man. We take what the enemy meant for evil and watch God turn it around for our good (Romans 8:28)!

Open doors to peace and promise

There are many promises about God’s peace (check out this blog dedicated to Isaiah 26:3), but I can think of none finer than the following passage in Philippians. In fact, I believe that this passage of scripture presents us with more open doors in this season; the doors of peace and promise. Philippians 4:6-7 contain both a powerful command and a life-changing promise from God. Note that this is not a suggestion, but a command from our Lord!

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.

Philippians 4:6, AMPC

If God commands us to not fret or have anxiety about anything, He certainly has equipped us to be able to carry out His word. I want you to notice especially that this verse gives us legal permission to thank God, petition Him with specific requests, and offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving in the midst of any circumstance. This verse is pregnant with instruction, wisdom, and power from God. This verse applies to every circumstance you could ever face! I want to encourage you today, friend, to read this verse as if God wrote it to you and only you. God is saying, “Here is an open door! Sow your faith into this promise and you will experience the ultimate peace! It’s here for the taking, right now!”

Immediately following the command of verse 6 is the promise of verse 7. Can you think of other promises in scripture that are contingent upon a command? Proverbs 3:5-6, Proverbs 4:20-22, Isaiah 1:19, 1 Peter 5:7 come to mind, to name a few.

And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7, AMPC

If you aren’t experiencing life and peace, you are experiencing some degree of death (see Romans 8:6). That doesn’t mean you are evil, in sin, or messed up! But it does mean that you have the opportunity—the open door— to make an adjustment. If you yield to the work of the Holy Spirit, He will root out whatever is bringing death (separation of any kind from God’s best for you) in your life.

Open doors to new levels of faith

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Right now, we have access to open doors of new levels of faith.

I like to think of it like this: when the primary focus of my life is the Word of God, I see life through the Word. The lens through which I see my circumstances is the lens of God’s Word. When my “Word level” is high, I have a higher perspective; I operate in a higher degree of faith. I see things differently. I see things happen. I see Mark 11:24 happen.

Alternatively, when my “Word level” is low, I begin to act carnally, think like the unsaved world thinks, and begin to operate at a natural, fleshly level. Is there room for faith? Not in this space. Now, I have seen miracles happen (as you have, I’m sure) when I am not “feeling” particularly spiritual or full of faith. I’m not talking about “feeling”; I am talking about being so low on hearing the Word of God that my faith is affected (remember Romans 10:17!). I’m talking about being so “low in my Word tank” that my spirit is running on empty.

When my son Caleb comes up to me, tugging on my arm, demanding my attention, I stop what I am doing, look him right in the eyes, and ask him, “What do you need?” When he responds with, “I need love. My love tank needs filling,” I melt inside and pull away from whatever I am doing and go to “fill his love tank”. I believe God is the same way. When we are aware of our need for His love, He “stops what He is doing” and smothers us with His love and revelation. When we recognize our “Word level” is low, God is faithful to flood our hearts with revelation, power, and an awareness of His nearness when we settle down and spend time in the Bible. In this season, I believe we have fresh access to open doors of new levels of faith and intimacy with the Father.

Sow into open doors!

I encourage you to do whatever it takes to maximize this opportunity to sow into others and yourself. Maybe you see some “little foxes” rising up from the inside you that you don’t like. These are things that the Holy Spirit wants to heal inside you, bringing you more and more into the likeness of Jesus Christ. This is a ripe opportunity to let Him work powerfully in you. Say, “Holy Spirit, I give you everything. I yield to your work, and I partner fully with your plan for my life. Thank you for working in me what is right and good, and I believe you are building me up more and more into the fullness of Jesus everyday! Have your way, Holy Spirit!”

Maybe you haven’t connected with your neighbors in a while. This is also an opportunity to minister to your colleagues in new ways. Doors are open right now! This is the time to move. This is the time to sow. This is the time to take full advantage of the opportunity presented to us. Let’s sow with intentionality and purpose, allowing God to build us up and fill us with His presence more than ever before.

Photo by Filip Kominik on Unsplash

4 Replies to “Sowing into Open Doors”

  1. Right on Bro!!! What a good word. Encouraging and timely for us who are cooped up at home! 🙏🏼

  2. This is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you, Justin, for continuously writing faithfully.

    With Love,

  3. I’m going to use that prayer!

  4. Ryan, I have been praying that kind of prayer (not verbatim, but nearly so) every day (seriously!) for almost a decade… and I’ve found that maintaining a posture of yielding my “little lunch” to the Lord is a sure way to stay soft and sensitive to the things of God. How important it is to continually yield to the Holy Spirit!

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