Participating in the Divine Nature | Featuring Todd Aton

When I lived in Washington, a random man saw I was hobbling around on crutches and offered to pray over me. Bewildered, I mumbled “Sure,” and he proceeded to lay hands on my bandaged leg and speak to my leg. I thought it was a bit weird for this man to come up and start commanding my leg to be healed (mind you, he was very professional and courteous in his approach), but I went with it since I had been believing God for healing and other supernatural manifestations in my own life.

Little did I know that this man would become a lifelong mentor, source of encouragment, and deep friend. Todd Aton, whom you will meet on today’s podcast, is the real deal. I continually call him or text him with marriage or parenting advice–because he is a living example of how to do it right! I wonder if you, friend, have a person like that in your life? Do you have a person who is seeing results that you wish you could see? Do you have access to such a person that is raising their kids right; a person who–although facing very real challenges–has the kinds of fruit operating in their life that you wish you had in your life? Todd is this kind of man to me. I know you have someone in your life who you can look up to and learn from; someone who is willing to spend time with you and share their wisdom and life with you! Why don’t you reach out to them today?

Todd and I have spent many, many hours in coffeeshops and on the phone challenging each other and traditional Church beliefs by simply discussing what we see plainly portrayed in the Scriptures. To us, the Word of God is a brilliant piece of engineering; a masterful work of art formed in a dimension outside of our normal physical realm–by a Father Who is unimaginably kind and good; and Who is totally faithful to His Word.

In this episode, you will feel like you are a fly on the wall at one of these conversations. I pray this encourages you and builds you up; and that you learn something brand new from the Word of God!

Oh yeah, and I got healed after Todd laid hands on my leg; I was supposed to be recovering from a major debilitating accident for many months, but I healed extremely quickly and even ran a half-marathon 30 days after the incident–a truly supernatural event!

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