Season 4 Kickoff: The Story Behind Unstoppable and Kainos Global

Welcome to our fourth season! Have you been wondering what drives and motivates us? In this essential episode, Justin shares the history and direction of Unstoppable and our nonprofit organization, Kainos Global. We are stepping into uncharted territory where success is impossible outside of faith in Jesus and the boldness to step outside of our […]

The Sunroom Coffee Story | Featuring Annie Mae McEwen

Meet Annie Mae, the passionate and kind spitfire behind Sunroom Coffee shop in Atascadero, CA. She started this amazing coffee shop with only $7500.00 and a small team of volunteers (that seems totally impossible!). Annie has no formal business degree, but has been a successful businesswoman since she was just five years old! One time she and […]

Cooperating with the Laws of Prosperity

What do you think about financial prosperity? Is it okay… or forbidden… or somewhere in between? What is the point of prosperity, anyway? In this podcast I share about some of the laws of prosperity, the central theme behind the tithe, and the real heart behind financial stewardship.  2 Corinthians 9:6-11 in the English Standard […]

What’s the Difference Between Spirit, Soul and Body?

Have you ever wondered why these three terms keep showing up in the Bible? The body is pretty easy to understand, but what is the difference, really, between the spirit and the soul? Have you ever used the two words interchangeably? I know I have. But there is a drastic difference between these words, and […]