What’s the Difference Between Spirit, Soul and Body?

Have you ever wondered why these three terms keep showing up in the Bible? The body is pretty easy to understand, but what is the difference, really, between the spirit and the soul? Have you ever used the two words interchangeably? I know I have. But there is a drastic difference between these words, and most importantly, the powerful implications for you and me when we understand what the Bible says about a person’s spirit, soul, and body.

This is arguably the most vital teaching I have ever put out on the podcast! This concept of spirit, soul, and body is impossible to overemphasize. Without a strong, Biblical understanding of this fundamental truth, much of God’s Word can seem mysterious or just downright confusing. Armed with the revelation of spirit, soul, and body, I believe you will see the Bible in a different light–and you will begin to walk in a new level of power previously unknown! 

Enjoy the podcast!

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