What do you think of when you hear the word “prosperity?” The way you respond to that question should tell you a lot about your own perspective on prosperity. What really is prosperity, anyway?
One dictionary definition of the word prosperity is: a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune.
In this podcast with Ryan Risor (woo hoo!), we discover God’s definition of prosperity, and what it takes to live a life without limits–a life in which God looks at you and says, “Now there is a prosperous person!” In reality, God has created all of us to walk in prosperity, but this kind of prosperity doesn’t always look the way you might think.
There’s more to prosperity than what meets the eye! And it is part of God’s plan to prosper His people.
I may as well warn you: this podcast is absolutely saturated with power, revelation, and inspiration. I just listened to the whole podcast and was overwhelmed with the amount of revelation contained in just this one episode. You may need to give this one a few good listens to extract everything. I’m thankful that the Holy Spirit was the Leader of this recording session, as He was divinely orchestrating the conversation the whole time!
But, more importantly, I pray that this podcast will strengthen, encourage, and spur you on to get into the Word of God for yourself and let the Holy Spirit breathe revelation to you in this area!
Be encouraged! Enjoy!

Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash