I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
Happy holiday season! I wanted to write you today to express my heartfelt gratitude for your prayers and for your support with what God has called me to do with Unstoppable. It truly is amazing what God can do through a person who simply says ‘yes’ to His plan!
About two months ago, a youth leader from a large, influential local church had asked if I would be willing to teach a Masterclass as part of the church’s upcoming youth conference for a couple hours on a Saturday. Knowing that this would be a tremendous sacrifice for me in the heat of school, yet having the desire to minister spiritually to a group of youth, I carefully considered the proposition. Although it would require a large amount of effort, planning, and innovation on my end to pull the event off, I wanted to listen to the Holy Spirit and see what He said. Deep in my spirit, the Holy Spirit whispered, “yes.” A little surprised, I told my friend I would do it.
Just before sitting down to write this email, I finished a phone meeting with my youth leader friend, where we debriefed about the now-past Masterclass event. We basically spent our time together in awe and wonder at all the amazing connections God made between people involved and how He ministered powerfully to the youth during the Masterclass. Neither one of us had any clue going into this how much God would supernaturally pull things together and orchastrate the entire event like a master chess player strategically moves pieces around the board. God really did move, and it was absolutely thrilling to be part of the story.
Philippians 4:13 is, without a doubt, one of my most foundational life verses. I speak it literally every day of my life over myself. In context, Paul is sharing with his readers how he has learned the secret to walking in the power of God: he has learned to be content in whatever circumstance he finds himself in. He is not leaning forward in hard times, hoping and praying for an easier time when it comes, looking toward the dangling carrot of “easy” out in front of his eyes. Many have this mindset, and if I may be very blunt, it is a very weak and shortsighted way of looking at life. This mindset sounds like, “I’ll be glad when this is over.” Or, “I can’t wait until things get easier.”
I’m sure you’ve uttered these words (I have too!), but I want you to really think about where these words come from. In reality, you are saying, “I have decided to not be happy now. I will be happy when my feelings tell me things are alright, but not a moment before then.” I have chosen a different path. I have chosen the path of faith, power, and life. This sounds like, “I am aware that my life is tough right now. I am aware that things hurt right now. I know how my body feels, my mind races, and all the things that are causing me grief right now. I do not shove all these things aside, nor do I bury them, but I do NOT let them run my life. No matter what, I CAN do ALL things THROUGH CHRIST Who strengthens me!”
Don’t let yourself get caught on the left side of that verse, only: “I can do all things.” That will get you into trouble. But when you allow the Lord to empower you in all things, you truly are unstoppable: “I can do ALL things THROUGH CHRIST Who strengthens me.”
My small example of operating outside of my physical and mental strength is meant to encourage you and inspire you to step out in faith and go for it. I’ll be receiving photos from the event in the next few weeks (which I will share with you and I’m sure you’ll love), but for now, here is what’s on my heart for you:
Philippians 4:13
- Has God asked you to do something that felt a little beyond your ability to accomplish? If so, what was your response in the past to His leading? Did you brush it away, or did you take the plunge and act?
- What might God be asking you to step into right now?
- Have you taken the time necessary to listen to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit concerning the path of life you are currently on, or regarding where you are allocating your time and energy? What is He saying to you about your current life choices and trajectory?
- Do you feel unqualified for the work God has asked you to do? How does Philippians 4:13 shift your perspective on what is possible?
I hope this encourages you today!
With love!
Love this!! It touches my heart that you’re ministering at ABC!!!
Austin, it was awesome! You’ll love the pictures… it was a pretty chaotic (but fun and informative) class. It was great to connect with the team there and partner for kingdom purposes!