The Sunroom Coffee Story | Featuring Annie Mae McEwen

Little Annie Mae (left) and her sister enjoying home-pulled espresso when most other little girls are having tea parties.

Meet Annie Mae, the passionate and kind spitfire behind Sunroom Coffee shop in Atascadero, CA. She started this amazing coffee shop with only $7500.00 and a small team of volunteers (that seems totally impossible!). Annie has no formal business degree, but has been a successful businesswoman since she was just five years old! One time she and her sister sold handmade jewelry and made over $2000 in just two weeks to buy their own plane tickets to New York!

This podcast is all about hearing Annie tell the story of Sunroom from her perspective…the ups, downs, struggles, and victories of stepping out and seeing her dream become reality. Learn more about Annie and her 80+ volunteer team (are you kidding me?!) and the beautiful community and Jesus-centric coffee shop that exists to make an impact on the world around them. Annie really is seeing her dreams come to pass, and I believe this podcast will encourage you to step out in boldness and see your God-given dreams come to pass!

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