Taking Every Opportunity!

Have you ever felt like you are too small to make a difference? You may have heard that I recently started KAINOS GLOBAL–the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that all things Unstoppable now fall under.  Kainos Global has two main branches:

Yes, we have a base of operations in Kenya–namely, we helped build several churches under the leadership and guidance of Pastor Peter Chosen (I recorded a podcast with him; check it out here), a national missionary to the coast of Kenya. You will be hearing much in the coming months about our passion to reach the lost and broken people in our local area, but also in some of the darkest (spiritually and financially) places on earth.

My heart burns for people to experience all the love, joy, peace, and power that comes with walking in relationship with Jesus Christ. There’s absolutely nothing religious about this… just one personal encounter with Jesus is enough to blow the lid off your religious mindset toward Christianity. Jesus is a real, living, breathing Person– and He is really God’s Son! 

I have a fire burning in my heart… for people to experience the life-transforming shift from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light–that is, to be ushered from one realm to another. Check out what the Holy Spirit says by Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:1-2, 5:

As for myself, brethren, when I came to you, I did not come proclaiming to you the testimony and evidence or mystery and secret of God [concerning what He has done through Christ for the salvation of men] in lofty words of eloquence or human philosophy and wisdom; For I resolved to know nothing (to be acquainted with nothing, to make a display of the knowledge of nothing, and to be conscious of nothing) among you except Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and Him crucified….So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God.

Notice that Paul didn’t pull on his vast bank of intelligence, human wisdom, or oratory skill (of which he was a master) in presenting the Good News of Jesus to the people of the city of Corinth when he first arrived. He simply presented the basics of Jesus to them along with the demonstrated power of the Holy Spirit to them, and a church was born. And this wasn’t just any church… the church at Corinth became a very influential and strong church in the days of Paul! 

In this picture (above) I’m handing a bag of food to a woman in Kenya, Africa. That picture was taken just after me, Peter, and a small team of leaders from Peter’s church stepped out of the church van and carefully approached a village with whom Peter had never made contact before. As we cautiously approached this unknown village, the children hid behind their moms, the women retreated carefully, and the men of the village puffed up their chests, folded their arms, and stepped toward us guardedly. I could feel the tension in the air. 

Peter disarmingly showed them the bags of food we brought and explained that we were just passing by, saw their village, and that we had some extra food and supplies that might be helpful. Upon inspection of our bags and seeing that we meant them no harm, the men allowed us to hand the food to the women. They watched us carefully and noticed how we respected the women, handing out food with dignity and respect.

While we were handing out the food, Peter asked the chief if we could pray for them. A Muslim tribe, they were not interested in allowing Christians to pray for them, but they said that we could pray for them in light of the gifts we had given. Peter gave me the floor. As I prayed over the village, the Holy Spirit rose up brightly within my spirit and I began to speak blessing and favor upon this village. He even gave me a specific prophetic word for one of the young men standing by. I asked him if it was okay to share a word that I was hearing from Jesus over him, and he stepped forward with curiosity in his eyes. 

I shared a very specific word with this young man about his future and how he will become a leader in the village. As the Peter translated my words into Swahili, I could see the people smiling and looking at the young man. Little did I know, but I found out later that this man was indeed a popular rising leader in the village, and many of the things I spoke out about concerning his future vocation were spot on– including his love for soccer and dreams to play professionally– were confirmed by the people standing by. Truly, these people didn’t hear an eloquent sermon, but they did experience the manifest power of God in a way that perhaps they had never seen before!

That was our first contact with this village, and my first encounter with the Orma people group. Today, almost two years later, Peter and his team have had open access to this village and this tribe–and the Gospel of Jesus is being preached AND RECEIVED among this “Frontier” people group! (To learn about what a “Frontier” people group is, check out JoshuaProject.net)

The picture above is from a recent outreach event at that very same Orma village. This outreach was made possible by Unstoppable Partner donations that allowed Peter and a small team to provide food, clothing, and other supplies and share the Gospel with this village!

How did all this happen? Through some great, moving speech? Through a sophisticated, educated, Western speaker? No, open doors for the Word of God and changed lives are the result of a few simple things: 

  1. A willing and obedient Christian in the right place at the right time
  2. Practical help (meeting a physical need)
  3. The simple truth that Jesus is the Son of God and He has made a way to the Father through His death, burial, and bodily resurrection

That’s really all there is to it! Do you think I felt like a big, super-Christian at that moment? Do you think I was on a sort of spiritual high? Frankly, I felt more unworthy than ever to speak or pray over another person at that moment. I felt like I wanted to just simply hand the food out and smile at some of the most beautiful people I have ever seen in the world.

But I had an inner fire burning hotter than ever. I had to do something. I spoke out and prayed over this tribe… and the fire burned ever hotter until the very Words of Jesus came flowing out of my lips and set aflame the hearts of many listening. And the results are evident to this day! All praise to Jesus.

So do you feel insignificant? Do you feel too small to make a difference? You don’t have to travel the world like I did to make a difference in another person’s life. What can you be faithful in RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW; TODAY? Who can you love with the smallest act of kindness? Or perhaps a big one? Open up your eyes to those around you… and keep the fire burning… the flame of the Holy Spirit in you… and you will truly see the impossible take place!!

With love, encouragement, and blessing,

We at Kainos Global are specifically praying over and taking every opportunity to reach the people who haven’t yet heard the Name of Jesus in northeastern Kenya. We are currently connected to the Orma tribe. Please click the link above to learn more about this “Frontier” (completely unreached) people group! And join us in prayer over this beautiful tribe.

To learn more about the Orma people group, click here.

We are completely funded by gifts from donors. All gifts are tax-deductible! We have very little overhead, so nearly every penny donated goes directly to boots-on-the-ground missions work in these remote areas and to the teaching of the Word of God all over the world. We are so thankful for our monthly partners, and we are praying for you! Thank you!

To give to Kainos Global, click here.

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