Hearing God’s Voice in the Everyday | Joy to the Nations International | S1E17

Have you ever thought of “hearing God” as something as simple and as ordinary as just an internal knowing or a feeling? Have you ever experienced the leading of the Holy Spirit through His “still small voice?” Or are you waiting for a billboard to tell you in big block letters what God is saying to you? No matter where you are and how long or short a time you have been walking with the Lord, today’s podcast will build you up and encourage you to hear God speak to you TODAY.

Joy Dodd and Jen Cook of Joy to the Nations International are the REAL DEAL! Joy and Jen live and minister in the Central American country of Honduras, where they have been serving as full-time missionaries for the last ten years. I had the privilege of getting to know these two women of faith during a short-term missions trip to Honduras several years ago, which ended up being more of an initiation experience for me into the bright and colorful world of the power of God and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit! What a time we had ministering in Honduras with these two faith-filled warriors in God’s army!

On today’s podcast, our special guests share a teaching they prepared just for us on “Hearing God’s Voice in the Everyday.”

Oh, and see if you can hear any chickens in the background! We recorded this podcast via Zoom, and had to work out a few (but not too many!) audio issues that you may expect from an international phone call from a home in the jungle.

I pray this podcast blesses you, encourages you, and empowers you to step into a deeper level of knowing and hearing your Heavenly Father whisper to your heart. Enjoy!

Photo by Naadir Shahul on Unsplash

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