The Lord is a friend to those who fear him. He teaches them his covenant.
Psalm 25:14, NLT
I treated myself to early birthday and Christmas presents this year – I am having a surfboard custom-shaped for me by PJ Wahl, the renowned Central Coast surfboard shaper. This board is being custom-built just for me; my height, weight, level of surfing experience, and future surfing goals are all elements that this master craftsman is taking into consideration when designing and creating this new board.
Although this surfboard may look similar to other surfboards, there will not be a single board like it in all the earth–it will be completely unique in every sense of the word.
I asked PJ (who is also a Jesus-lover) if he would write a Bible verse on the board before applying the fiberglass layer, and he agreed. Right next to the traditional inscriptions of the board’s dimensions will be a simple Scripture reference: PSALM 25:14.
Of course, there are thousands of verses I could have chosen that speak deeply to me, but I specifically chose Psalm 25:14 for my new surfboard because I want to always be reminded of my friendship with God.
When I get out on the water on my new surfboard, created just for me, I want to remember my deep friendship with the Lord Who made me a new creation in Christ.
You see, when I met Jesus, my life was changed forever. I was rescued from the kingdom of darkness and “translated into the kingdom of His dear Son.” (See Colossians 1:13)
Just like my surfboard–a brand new creation, something so unique that it has never existed on the earth before now–my spirit was literally born into God’s family as a new, unique, and clean creation.
My new life in Jesus didn’t lead to a life of religion–no– but a deep and intimate friendship with the Lord that is sweeter than any words could possibly convey! I am sure, friend, you know what I am talking about. If not, you must either stoke up the fire of passion towards Jesus again or give your life to Jesus for the first time.
My friendship with the Lord is my number one priority in my life. Before my family. Before my work and my calling. Before preaching the Gospel! Before going after God’s will for my life with all the power of Heaven backing me up. Before everything else, my relationship with Jesus comes first.
Look at this amazing verse in the Amplified Classic translation:
The secret [of the sweet, satisfying companionship] of the Lord have they who fear (revere and worship) Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its [deep, inner] meaning.
Psalm 25:14, AMPC
I don’t just want to know about God.
I want to know Him personally.
There is a secret place of sweet friendship with God that is reserved for those who want it. Their reward? He will show them (or teach them personally) His covenant. His covenant is everything He promises us through His unbreakable Word.
Friend, I encourage you to take your relationship with God to a deeper place today. Set aside some time with Him to connect. Not just to pray or ask for everything you need in your life; which is fine, but there is a sweet spot where we can just rest and be in His presence: not necessarily talking, but listening, being thankful, and connecting with Him as a person. Not as mysterious, but as a friend.
Seek Him through His Word today. As you spend time sitting quietly before Him in the Bible, let Him speak sweet whispers to your soul. Let Him deposit gems and treasures of revelation into your heart. Let Him satisfy your soul with His goodness!
There is a time to fear and to respect His mysterious nature, but there is also a time to snuggle in close and allow Him to share His secrets with us. I want to know His secrets, and I know you do too!
I pray you are strengthened, encouraged, and empowered to step into the “sweet, satisfying companionship” of the Lord today!
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash