What’s the Difference Between Spirit, Soul and Body?

Have you ever wondered why these three terms keep showing up in the Bible? The body is pretty easy to understand, but what is the difference, really, between the spirit and the soul? Have you ever used the two words interchangeably? I know I have. But there is a drastic difference between these words, and […]

Love Without an Agenda – with Bobby deLancellotti

“Would to God that we would be a people who would reflect the very image of God.” Bobby deLancellotti I recently attended a church in southern California while visiting some friends and was enjoying taking in the new and different scenery of another Jesus-centered community when the pastor shared something that caused my ears to […]

The Fundamental Forces of Grace and Faith

In natural physics, we have (what we call) the four fundamental forces of nature: the gravitational force, the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force. Every interaction in the natural world can be described through at least one (and often more) of these fundamental forces. In the spirit realm, where things […]

Introduction to the Physics of Faith

Humans have discovered (and are discovering) some of the fundamentals of our universe that govern gravity, chemistry, mathematics, and so on. When we see all of God’s creations as carefully designed and ordered systems, we realize that the spiritual world is governed by spiritual laws just as the physical world is governed by physical laws.  […]

Redemption, Revelation, and Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Travelers from all over the world visit the mountain Jabal al-Lawz in northwest Saudi Arabia to see what I believe, personally, is Mount Sinai. There are many Scriptural reasons I could give for this location, but whether you agree with me or not as to Sinai’s location, what is certain is Sinai’s significance. Mt. Sinai, […]